It’s with nervous trepidation that I write to you this morning.
This feeling is usually a sign that something daunting is coming. That’s very true right now: today marks the ‘official’ launch of my big project for 2016, which I’ve named the Transcaucasian Expedition.
(You may see it mentioned in the UK press today, but better to get the news straight from the horse’s mouth, as they say.)
Nervous trepidation, yes. But also relief! Why relief?
Because months of planning and preparation have gone into this. Desk work. I even rented office space. Some people enjoy that stuff. Personally, I can’t help but resent every minute I spend in front of a screen.
I’ve been telling myself that it’s worth it. And – though nothing in life is ever guaranteed – I have a strong feeling it will be. Because today is when the adventure begins. Today is when things get fun.
Click here to check out the introductory article on the brand new Transcaucasian Expedition blog. By the time you read it, I’ll already be on the road.
I know I’ve been a wee bit cagey about this project. Sorry about that. The reason will become apparent when you read the article.
My goal over the coming months is to make you feel part of this journey. I’m well aware than not all of us are able to (or want to) spend months exploring remote places, but vicarious experiences are the next best thing.
So I’m going into this thing with a spirit of generosity. To that end, I will be doing something I’ve never done before: live storytelling via social media throughout the project.
To be party to this, you are most welcome to connect on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook, where the story is already unfolding, in addition to the official Transcaucasian Expedition website,
And if you’re not one for armchair travel, there are ways to actually, physically get involved. Because this project has already spread far beyond my immediate reach – as well it should. (The details of how to do so are on the website.)
Once again, the link to the big announcement is here. Watch out for regular blog updates from the road, which will be syndicated here as well.
In the meantime, safe travels to you, whether real or vicarious; all the best… and wish us luck!
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