Category: Articles
Diary Of An Adventure Filmmaker: Two Ways To Build A Story When Editing Your Footage
In my previous adventure filmmaking update, I ran through the process of whittling down the raw footage from an expedition to a manageable amount with which we could begin crafting the story. This specifically referred to the film we shot in Patagonia, journeying along the Rio Santa Cruz on horseback; the film for which we’re taking the…
Diary Of An Adventure Filmmaker: How To Cut Your Raw Footage Down To Something Workable
It’s a deceptive beast, making a film. Because if you do it well, the result is an effortless and immersive experience. It totally engrosses the viewer. And it belies the amount of time and work that goes into its creation. The viewing experience can also somehow give the impression that a film emerges fully-formed from…
Anatomy Of A Successfully Crowdfunded Documentary Film’s Kickstarter Campaign
This in-depth article is a post-mortem of 2015’s successful Kickstarter campaign for the A Tale Of Two Rivers film project. I’ll be looking at every element of the campaign – financial details included – and sharing some of the insights we learned along the way about running successful crowdfunding campaigns. The campaign aimed to raise post-production funds for two feature-length adventure films,…
We Did It! (Community Action 1, Mass Media 0!)
I’m up early this morning to begin working in earnest on two new film projects… which have just been successfully funded on Kickstarter! At the close of play last night, we’d raised the astonishing total of £26,329 – over 110% of our goal – to do this project properly. And that’s all thanks to the community…
With 59 hours to go, here’s more on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of A Tale Of Two Rivers
If you’re lucky enough to have a long weekend off for Easter, I hope you’ve got some fun things lined up for it! As it happens, Tenny and I are at a good friend’s wedding in Shropshire, England, and I’m dashing off this post while getting dressed up in a borrowed suit to pretend I’m a…
Is Kickstarter Still Viable For Small-Scale Independent Creatives?
Kickstarter seems to have changed dramatically in the couple of years since I successfully crowdfunded Janapar. Back then it was the domain of creative eccentrics eager to launch passion projects that wouldn’t stand a chance of being funded in any other way. Through Kickstarter, they could reach out directly to like-minded people and ultimately create something that sidestepped…
Q&AA (Questions & Attempted Answers) About The New Film Project And The Kickstarter Campaign To Fund It
We’ve almost reached 25% of our funding goal in less than 4 days! 155 (and counting) of you absolute legends are responsible for this. Check it out here. This is an amazing effort by everyone – but we’ve still got a stupendously long way to go. In this post, I’d like to share some answers…
Why I Waited 4 Years To Make My Next Two Adventure Films
“Will you continue travelling? And are you planning any more films?” These questions always came up after screenings of Janapar. And I always answered them… vaguely. I replied that I’d keep travelling regularly – but only while it remained relevant to my life. And I replied that I’d definitely consider making another film – but…
Announcing a community-backed project to make TWO brand new adventure films (about more than just heroics)
Link: The Kickstarter campaign is live! Click here to see what’s happening. Welcome to today’s blog post. I’m just going to go ahead and casually announce the biggest and most ambitious creative project of my career to date. OK? OK. So… I sometimes describe myself, when pressed, as an adventure filmmaker. (Among other things.) And…
5 Easy Ways To Massively Boost The Watchability Of Your Travel Videos
Here’s five easy ways to improve the quality of your video footage when you’re on the road. Follow these pointers and the watchability of your travel videos will skyrocket. The text is packed with links to video tutorials on each specific shooting-related topic, so bookmark and study at your leisure. Tip #1: Know your camera. You wouldn’t bake…